Rabu, 22 Desember 2010


Pasukan Merah-Putih tak gentar mengahadapi Malaysia, pada laga final leg pertama kontra Malaysia, di Stadion Bukit Jalil, Kuala Lumpur, 26 Desember mendatang. Mempersiapkan mental adalah kunci utama.
“Tandang ke Malaysia kenapa harus takut. Saya sudah pernah menjalani laga tandang, ketika laga persahabatan tahun 2004 lalu. Waktu itu, hasilnya 0-0. Sekarang, materi pemain Indonesia sudah beda, jadi kenapa harus takut,” ujar pilar belakang timnas, Hamka Hamzah, usai mengikuti latihan di Lapangan Timnas C, Senayan, Rabu (22/12).

Senada dengan Hamka, gelandang bertahan Indonesia, Bustomi mengungkapkan, tidak perlu ada yang ditakuti pada laga nanti. Semua akan berjalan normal. “Saya rasa tidak ada yang perlu ditakuti. Normal saja. Saya targetkan kemenangan, minimal seri.”

“Kartu kuning kemarin (pada partai semifinal leg kedua) merupakan kesalahan saya. Ketika itu, saya tidak bisa kontrol emosi. Namun, pastinya lawan Malaysia nanti saya tidak mengulangi kesalahan yang sama,” tambah Bustomi.

Sementara itu, kapten timnas Indonesia, Firman Utina mengatakan, dalam menghadapi malaysia kunci utama adalah menyiapkan mental. “Mental merupakan kunci utama. Pasalnya, pendukung Malaysia cukup bagus melakukan provokasi ketika di dalam stadion.”

“Malaysia beda dengan kemarin, ketika kami kalahkan. Mereka berkembang. Namun, sepertinya bermain di kandang Malaysia tak jauh beda,” pungkas Firman.

Selasa, 12 Oktober 2010


Kemenhut gandeng UKP4 investigasi bencana Wasior

JAKARTA: Kementerian Kehutanan bekerja sama dengan Unit Kerja Presiden Bidang Pengawasan dan Pengendalian Pembangunan (UKP4) membentuk tim investigasi yang akan menyelidiki siapa yang bertanggungjawab atas pemekaran wilayah, sebagai salah satu penyebab bencana Wasior.
“Kemenhut bersama dengan UKP4 telah membentuk tim investigasi yang akan menyelidiki siapa yang bertanggung jawab atas pemekaran wilayah di kawasan hutan konservasi. Jadi, siapa yang bertanggung jawab memekarkan wilayah hingga terbentuknya Kabupaten Teluk Wondama, Papua Barat. Jika bupati ya…ditangkap," ungkap Menteri Kehutanan Zulkifli Hasan hari ini.
Tim investigasi itu, katanya, juga akan membuat peta lokasi mana yang harus segera direhabilitasi. Namun, kegiatan merehabilitasi kawasan akan memakan waktu yang lama. “Rehabilitasi hutan perlu kesabaran dan memerlukan waktu yang lama, tidak seperti orang menebang pohon.”
Dalam kesempatan itu, Menhut kembali menegaskan banjir bandang Kota Wasior tidak ada hubungannya dengan kegiatan illegal logging. “Berdasarkan desk analisis, tidak ada kegiatan HPH di Kota Wasior, begitu juga kejahatan illegal logging.”
Penyebab utamanya,kata Zulkifli, , adalah curah hujan di kabupaten Wondama, Papua Barat, yang tinggi, sedangkan daerah aliran sungai (DAS) yang berada di atas Wasior tidak dapat menampung air hujan. "DAS Miei, DAS Manggrai, DAS Iriati, dan DAS Wanayo di Wasior curam. Ketika hujan terus-menerus turun, DAS tersebut meluap dan mengakibatkan banjir bandang.”
Kota Wasior terletak di bawah Cagar Alam Wondoboi yang tidak dapat diubah fungsinya untuk kegiatan pertambangan atau kegiatan lainnya. Di kawasan itu merupakan zona penyangga kawasan hutan produksi terbatas (HPT) yang pemanfaatannya lahannya sangat terbatas, sehingga tidak boleh sembarangan dialihfungsikan.
Menurut dia, tidak tepat jika Kota Wasior dijadikan kawasan pemukiman padat dan dijadikan kota. “Apalagi, kawasan cagar alam Wondiboi di atasnya merupakan pegunungan yang sangat curam."(bas)

Kamis, 02 September 2010

Demokrasi atau Kleptokrasi

Democracy or Kleptocracy
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Strong public reaction against the decision of granting pardon and remission to the number of criminals during the day declaration of independence showed a few things.
First, the general public increasingly exasperated and fed up with corruption so that the pardon and remission is seen as a softening of attitude of the Government in combating corruption. Second, the Government once again misread the public mood.
This decision has raised the level of public anger against the Government. Moreover, many things happen lately, like the bombing of LPG and rising prices of consumer goods, has added the troubled community. Community might begin to leave the passive apathy-nrimo (accept whatever they are). This clearly could lead to public frustration toward a more hard negative.
Third, the deterrent effects that are expected to arise through the provision of punishment to the criminals had been unsuccessful. In fact, shyness has been lost to corruption, seen from the increasingly large number of corruption cases. Our nation has changed.
Guilt on the conscience for a crime increasingly been eroded. All that completely false now as lawful, such as doctor's certificate of illness, the origins of wealth are completely absurd, consumerism and materialism that knows no social solidarity and hubris that menduniawi.
A former minister has told the New Order era, one of his friends who are also former ministers and has finished serving his sentence for corruption rather than undergo additional imprisonment shall pay a fine of several billion dollars. Obviously it changes people's perceptions of corruption. Now corruption is perceived as an activity that "quick profit" despite a high risk.
Though, as we believe the combination of stern action against corruption and the promotion of a sense of shame and guilt can reduce corruption. Now it is clear that we have failed to eradicate corruption. Corruption growing craze. The immune corruptor and is not afraid of threats of punishment. Shame and guilt is no longer a barrier.
Nation permissiveOne cause, we have increasingly become a nation that was "too forgiving", even to our enemies. We tend to pursue harmony, quiet life, and peace. Corruption has been recognized and declared as a crime extreme and the main enemy of the nation, but we do not and dare not expressly menindaknya. In fact impressed, the corrupter participate sabotage efforts against corruption this repression.
Forgiveness is recognized based on the high sense of our humanity because they saw prisoners deemed sick and unable to rise again. But, why not ignited pity we see the suffering of the poor, the destitute who duafa and underfed, malnourished, and unable to taste decent education? Absence of real solutions makes us once again immersed in the theatrical rhetoric, shouting loudly without any real action.
Later, someone suggested that we emulate Latvia and China are considered to successfully eliminate corruption. This is a mistake. In the list of Transparency International, Latvia was ranked 58th most corrupt country and even China's ranking rose from 57th (2001), to 72 (2008) and 79 (2009).
The study of corruption by Minxin Pei, director of the Carnegie Endowment, in 2007 revealed that corruption resulted in a loss of about 3 percent of GDP or about 86 billion dollars per year. However, the number of criminals being caught and sentenced to less than 3 percent, until the corruption is considered a high-return activities, but low risk.Hukuman die in China may be imposed on 68 types of crimes, including corruption and smuggling heroin. However, the Government filed a bill last week, among other things, contains provisions that the 13 types of crime and economic concerns which do not involve violence would be removed from the list of death penalty. Bill has been submitted to parliament and almost certainly received approval.
The death penalty in China with a shot to death or injected is a state secret, so it is unclear how many are already living it. There are allegations, reach thousands every year. Widespread corruption in China, especially since the 1980s when a market economy began to be applied.
One reason is because of widespread corruption of power held by the Communist Party of China. The absence of NGOs and free media caused no control or supervision of the society against corruption. According to the party newsletter, the number of officials involved in corruption in 2009 recorded 106 000, up 2.5 percent from 2008.
State kleptocracy
So, what should be done if the deterrent effects through cultural ditumbuhkannya shame and guilt no longer potent to suppress corruption in Indonesia? Especially if the government half-heartedly, plus more systematic effort in the opinion, including in Parliament, to undermine efforts to combat corruption.
In the late 1960s when Operation Bhakti for the eradication of corruption carried out, the question arises: who should diganyang first, big fish or small fish? Now the question is irrelevant. Corruption involving officials have small or big.
Efforts to reform the bureaucracy, including increasing the remuneration of civil servants, did not reduce the "lust" corrupt candidates. Sermon of the scholars also can not relieve the intention to corrupt. The lure of luxury lifestyle or at least the affluent more potent than the threat of punishment on earth and mortal world.
Later, there was the proposal to apply the legal systems of proof reversed for those who doubt the source of his wealth. We can emulate South Korea's social sanction: officials (and their families) who lived in style and undoubtedly missed the origin of his wealth may be ostracized community.
We often call ourselves as a nation great, generous smile, highly civilized, and respect for heroes. It was now the motto we must add one more: a great nation is a nation that can combat corruption, fraud and nepotism.
We also prides itself as the country's third largest democracy in the world. After 65 years of independence, instead truly becomes a democracy, we can be collapsed into kleptocracy country (the country ruled by thieves).

Selasa, 31 Agustus 2010

Kecam Malaysia
Sudah berapa banyak kesalahan yang di lakukan Negara MALAYSIA atas INDONESIA,tp pemerintah Indonesia tidak melakukan tindakan yang tegas.
Padahal apabila Indonesia melakukan kesalahan yang kecil,Malaysia selalu bertindak tegas.
Sudah berapa banyak wilayah darat dan perairan Indonesia yang di rebut oleh Malaysia tetapi pemerintah tidak bejuys dalam menghadapinya..?
Ini sudah bukan lagi urusan dewan – dewan rakyat,Tapi ini8 sudah menjadi urusan waarga negara INDONESIA.
Kami pemuda pemudi tanah air,SIAP bi8la harus perang kembali..! Apa guna perjuangan pahlawan di masa lalu,yang rela mati demi kemerdekaan NKRI.Sekarang kita telah merdeka,tinggal mempertahankannya saja…….?
Apabila Malaysia tidak menghormati NEGARA REPUBLIK INDONESIA,KAMI PEMUDAPEMUDI INDONESIA rela mati untuk memperjuangkan kemerdekaan.
Tentunya anggota – anggota dewan yang di atas,lari sembunyi!


Malaysia condemns
How many mistakes in doing the State MALAYSIA INDONESIA, tp Indonesian government does not act in a firm.
In fact, if Indonesia did a small mistake, Malaysia is always to act decisively.
How much land and water areas in Indonesia, which seized by the Malaysian government but did not bejuys the deal ..?
It's no longer the affairs council - the council of the people, but has become a matter waarga ini8 INDONESIA country.
Our youngsters homeland, READY bi8la should war again ..! What is the struggle of the hero in the past, are willing to die for the freedoms we have NKRI.Sekarang independent, living alone defend it ... ....?
If Malaysia does not respect STATE OF THE REPUBLIC OF INDONESIA INDONESIA WE PEMUDAPEMUDI willing to die for the struggle for independence.
Surely the members - members of the board of the above, run somewhere!
NEVER underestimate INDONESIAN STATE, BECAUSE WE WILL NOT BE AFRAID TO START A STATE colony hostilities ... ... ..!